Nhập các mức màu đỏ, lục và lam (0-255) và nhấn nút Chuyển đổi:
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and HEX are two different ways to represent colors in digital devices.
RGB is a color model that defines colors based on the intensity of red, green, and blue light. Each color channel (red, green, blue) ranges from 0 to 255, indicating the amount of that specific color. By combining different intensities of these three primary colors, a wide range of colors can be generated.
HEX (Hexadecimal) is another color representation commonly used in web design and digital applications. It represents colors using a six-digit code composed of numbers (0-9) and letters (A-F). The HEX code comprises pairs of characters representing the intensity of red, green, and blue in a color. For instance, #RRGGBB, where the first two characters (RR) denote the intensity of red, the next two (GG) denote green, and the last two (BB) denote blue.
Converting RGB to HEX involves translating the separate values for red, green, and blue into their equivalent hexadecimal values and then combining them to form the six-digit HEX code.
For example: