Hex to RGB Color Converter

Enter 6 digits hex color code and press the Convert button:

Giới thiệu Hex to RGB Color Converter

What is RGB?

In the world of computer, television and mobile devices, the most frequently used color profile is RGB. The RGB process is used to make colors on the screen using red, green and blue combinations.

RGB is the other way around CMYK because this process is "additive." You get pure white by mixing completely saturated versions of all 3 colors (red, green and blue). You get black when you remove all three colors.

Only digital applications are specific to RGB. This includes mobile devices, computer screens, laptops, television and movie screens, games and lighting signs.

Many people who design something in the RGB display are heard and disappointed when the finished print is less dynamic. RGB colors look vibrant because they are lit and there is a wider range of colors than you would have on the printed page.

Website owners mostly prefer RGB and convert Hex to RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) due to the wide range of colors. 

What is HEX?

The HEX colors of web design are used by designers and developers. The 6-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its red, green and blue (RGB) mixture is expressed as HEX color. A HEX color code is basically a shorthand for its RGB values and has a small conversion gymnastics between them.

In fact, Hexcolor codes use the same principle as RGB color codes, since both of them define colors with RGB color mode. They're written somewhat differently:

color: #000000; /* black */

color: #FFFFFF; /* white */

While choosing what of these color naming conventions to use is a matter of personal choice, the use of hex color codes has several advantages:

  • They are compact, so for minimized code they are better. The use of three digits only for some colors can also make hex color codes compacter instead of six numbers.
  • It slightly increases the web page load time. Computers handle binary numbers and can easily convert a hexadecimal digit to four binary digits, while decimal numbers take longer to convert.
  • It is easier to translate the color palette to be used from different programs because it comes in a value instead of three different values and it is more likely to be used in color schemes as the HTML and CSS code standard.

Hex to RGB

Despite the advantages of using hex color codes, you might want a RGB color code to be used sometimes. So, you go hex to RGB for good color. Along with personal preferences, some of the reasons you can choose to use RGB color code are:

  • Instead of using a separate CSS property for opacity it may need to include an alfa channel to the color itself.
  • You might expect people to print your web page, and printers better understand RGB values than hexadecimal values.
  • If you use RGB color values, you might need to manipulate colors with JavaScript which gets easier to do.

Hex color converter is used to convert hex to rgb without using code. Hex to rgb converter is convenient to use instead of finding rgb color code manually.

How to use Hex to RGB converter 

With hex code translator, it is easy to get the RGB color code. You simply need to write hex color code in the box and click "Calculate" button. Next, you'll see hex code to RGB divided into Red, Green, and Blue.

Color code to RGB is written in a different way than hex color. DHL Service hex color to rgb color converter is a unique tool to convert color-hex to RGB in a minute. Thanks to its advanced function that can convert any hex to color so easily that you won't go anywhere after using this tool.

RGB Basic Colors Table



Hex Code


Decimal Code



























Cyan / Aqua




Magenta / Fuchsia

































