Code to Text Ratio Checker

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The Code to Text Ratio Checker tool is a free tool that helps you measure the ratio between HTML code and text content on your website. This ratio indicates the percentage of HTML code in the total content on your website.
The code to text ratio is important for SEO optimization and website loading performance. When the code to text ratio is low, this means that your website has more text content than HTML code, which can improve search engine ranking and provide better user experience.
To use this tool, you just need to enter your website URL into the empty field and click the "Check" button. The tool will calculate the code to text ratio and display the result for you. If the ratio is low, you may want to consider improving the text content on your website to increase the text to HTML ratio and improve your website loading performance.
The Code to Text Ratio Checker tool is a useful tool to help you measure the ratio between HTML code and text content on your website. This ratio is important for SEO optimization and website loading performance, therefore, it will help improve user experience and attract more visitors to your website.