URL Rewriting Tool
Inserisci un URL
Eg. http://www.example.com/test.php?firstid=1&secondid=10
URL Rewriting Tool is a small SEO tool that helps transform long dynamic URLs of a website into shorter static URLs. This tool is widely used by website owners, web administrators and SEO experts because static URLs are considered better than dynamic URLs in optimizing for search engine ranking.
Using the Free Small SEO Tools' URL Rewrite Tool is a quick and effective way to create static URLs; simply copy your dynamic URL and paste it into the box and submit. This tool can generate a static and shorter URL instantly.
Why should you use the URL Rewriting Tool? First, static URLs are preferred over dynamic URLs by search engines and attract more traffic from end-users. Second, static URLs can optimize for search engine ranking and attract additional visitors. And third, they can make the website load faster.
The Small SEO Tools' URL Rewriting Tool is very easy to use and completely free; you don't need to download any software on your PC. With this tool, you can save memory space and create shorter static URLs to improve your website.