Keyword Density Checker
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Keyword Density Checker is a tool that calculates the percentage ratio of how many times a keyword appears on a webpage compared to the total number of words on that page. This is considered an important factor that affects the ranking of a website on search engines. High keyword density can harm the SEO effectiveness of a website, while low keyword density can make it difficult for search engines to recognize that specific keyword.
The Keyword Density Checker tool shared here can help users calculate and analyze the keyword density of a website or blog post. This tool uses the simplest method to calculate keyword density and provides many other useful metrics to optimize content effectively.
In addition to calculating keyword density, the tool also analyzes ALL top keywords used on the page or text being analyzed and displays understandable figures for you to improve the SEO performance of the website. Metrics include the total number of keywords, page load time, and a detailed tag cloud of the keywords used on the page or text. Additionally, the tool shows the top keywords used in the content, their frequency counts, and indicators showing whether the keywords are in the title, description, or <H*> tags